It’s Different

It's Diffrent Kisan Mela 2023

किसान मेला बहुत बार देखा होगा आपने 

पर इस जैसा ना सोचा ना देखा होगा 

क्योकि ये अलग और बेमिसाल होगा 

और ये हर साल लगेगा हर राज्य में लगेगा 

You must have seen Kisan Mela many times

But never thought or seen like this

Because it will be different and unique

And it will be done every year in every state.


Fundamental Industries/Chemistry, Rubber, Plastics, Materials

Building, Construction /Sanitation, Air-conditioning, Plumbing, Lighting

Machinery, Industrial Technology /Electric & Electronics (Products, Machinery)

Machinery, Industrial Technology /Other Industrial Machinery & Equipment

Transportation, Logistics, Packaging /Automobiles(incl. Parts, Machinery)

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, and Food/Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery Products

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