Kisan Mela 2023

Kisan Mela 2023

The farmer’s hard work pays off only when the farmer works hard and his hard work pays off when the farmer has used the right fertilizers, the right pesticides with the right information, with the right tools.

If a farmer has the right information, then he can manage everything and grow the right crop at the right time with more profit.
Now when it comes to information about the right equipment, the right pesticides and the right fertilizers, we take it without knowledge or after anyone’s advice, while we take it with our ears closed.
Kisan Mela is such a platform where every farmer can get all the right information, just a little effort has to be made by the farmer and the Kisan Mela Organizers.
We are also trying in the same way that every farmer brother should get the right information, the right buyer of the equipment, fertilizers and pesticide manufacturers and will make such efforts again and again every year by organizing a Kisan Mela.
Which is different every time, brings something new together in every farmer’s fair
09-10 Feb. In 2023 Ambala and 18-19 April 2023 in Jalandhar, you will get to see something new from all types of farmers fair seen so far in these two fairs
How and what ….. if you want all this information, then stay connected with us and keep taking information from us from time to time, for more information, we also have a Facebook page named Kisan Mela and also our website

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