Stalls Booking in Kisan Mela 2023

Stalls Booking in Kisan Mela 2023

The stall layout planning of Kisan Mela 2023 is ready and keeping in mind the need of each stall, some changes have been made in their sizes so that all the stall companies do not face any problem for their employees to come to their stall.
According to the stall size, their lines have been prepared according to the size of the stalls of different companies in each line, the number of stalls can be more or less but the size of the line will be same.

Whether it will be the country’s largest or not, Haryana Punjab’s Kisan Mela will be different from all the farmers’ fairs. Efforts are being made to have the most different and best Kisan Mela in which no farmer should face any kind of problem.

1, Stalls will be allotted on first come first serve basis
2, The size of the stalls will be allotted to you according to your requirements
3, Stalls Companies Open or Covered as they wish
4, Companies can also do the decoration of stalls according to their own
5, Stalls allotted to sponsors will be booked in advance which cannot be booked in advance
6, Kulwant Vision and Kisan Mela team’s decision will be final

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